Welcome ;P

Welcome to my Portfolio!!
My name is Filiz Kücük, I am 18 years old and I am a Designer/Artist with a focus on Game Art. I am currently open for commissions aswell as freelance work


Game Art

Everything from Environmental to Character design. Worldbuilding, 2D to 3D. As a Game Artist i work on a little bit of everything

Concept Art

I would describe myself as very creative and quick at what i do, so I really enjoy everything about this specific genre of art

Character Design

Ever since I started drawing, the thing I enjoyed to practice most was character design. This includes not just the visual aspect but how it ties into the characters backstory and the world they exist in.

Recent Projects


This was a project which was mandatory for my Schooldegree. We got two weeks to work on a project of our own choosing in pairs of two. My partner and I chose to work out a game concept complete with Player characters, NPC’s, a storyline, worldbuilding, and three concrete levels. All of these concepts were in a cooperate design and could be worked into a short functional 2D game.


This project was the second installment of the aforementioned project. During this part of the process we decided to work out all of our previous work, aswell as three additional levels in 3D. We also made sure to render videos of each environment that could be used as cutscenes or loadingscreens. This way the concept could be worked into a 3D game, aswell as a 2D one.